Tuesday, February 5, 2013

light years away

You have to start big when searching for inspiration....

...then add some graphic motion....

...the mechanisms....

...and some brainstorming! Too bad making the prototype isn't that easy...

Foam core gears don't turn particularly well. 

Note: This view of the prototype represents the inside of the sunglasses. The outside will display the spiral graphic, so that it appears to spin as the gears are turned.

Project proposal: This pair of odd sunglasses measures time in spinning revolutions. The optical illusion of the black and white graphic is a hypnotic reminder that time is infinite. The gears are to be made of plexi, and the prototype would be developed to include temples (the part of the sunglasses that rest on the ears). Still to be resolved: how to include a crank for the gears?? 

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