Tuesday, March 19, 2013

tree and talisman


Project proposal.

The proposed project in response to the myth: to create a talisman-like necklace with symbols from the story, cut and etched in sheets of metal (possibly aluminum, copper, or an alloy) and then displayed on a wooden board in the shape of the sacred mayan tree of life / "nanze" tree mentioned in the story.  The proposed symbols to be included are:
     • a representation of Vucub-Caquix
     • the silvery eyes
     • the sun and moon (which his existence made redundant)
     • the jaw (possibly?)
Why these symbols? They are the enduring and most notable characteristics of Vucub-Caquix. These symbols represent the cause of his excessive pride, and the reason for his eventual death. 
Why a necklace? In this case, the necklace would be more representative of a talisman, or an object whose power affects human emotion – like an amulet or charm.

The process so far.

The wooden display board I designed for the necklace is a combination of these two versions of the Mayan tree.
Mayan Version.

A slightly difficult-to-read explanation of the tree's elements.

My design on illustrator - definitely required some simplification, considering I have to cut this out of wood in a short period of time...

I played around with the scroll saw and cut out a few practice shapes. Here is my favorite one, along with some experimentation with marking and bending metal (copper here).

Also, I heard about a great store in Brooklyn for jewelry findings! Brooklyn Charm
Drawings to come!

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